Award Winning Photography | Beautiful Examples

Award Winning Photography
Angela Cameron Photographer Wins With Professional Photographers of Canada - Artist Of The Year.
Angela Cameron submitted this award winning portfolio for this prestigious award in 2012. The judges didn't take long to review the final photographers submissions and unanimously awarded Cameron Photographic Artist of the Year.
"I had just joined PPOC and qualified to submit for the upcoming competition. I feel honoured to be recognized among many talented photographers in Canada".
The whole experience of being around other creative photographers with unique vision is the best way to push your own boundaries. Competitions have a way of getting you inspired and refreshed and planning for the next years submission. When a photographer/ artist thinks what they have submitted is the best they can do, they find themselves pushing more.
Creating More Award Winning Art Photography
Cameron continues to create unique fine art photography and enters various competitions, keeping her work fresh and push her to the next level of creativity. Cameron has entered dozens of competitions over her 25+ years of experience being a dedicated, creative photographer and thinker. It has helped me to push further in the creative world, without too much computer alteration.
Cameron feels the manipulation of images can destroy the emotional connection, therefore it's used at minimum. When photoshop is overused it creates a non-authentic image that the viewer cannot relate to as much. It gets in the way of the artists intention with the on location creative intent. All Angela's Art is created with in-camera techniques on location to add to the overall texture and layers to give depth and meaning. All the work you see shown here, only 1 has had a texture added in photoshop (Autumn Gust) as it heightens a painterly feel Angela was seeking.
View The 4 Award Winning Photographs

Autumn Gust / Angela Cameron
A simple wind-blown tree is further enhanced with a textural overlay that brings a painterly feel. The artistic intent heightens the viewers emotional connection to this fine art photograph.

Pond Grass / Angela Cameron
Discovered in Stanley Park Vancouver, Angela captured these beautiful long leaf plants near a pond. The natural light was perfect to enhance the green tones and the stunning bokeh from the sunlit pond behind.

Linear Landscape / Angela Cameron
This original photograph was created with rows of colorful vases. The light filtered through each one creating lines of hues that resemble an abstract landscape. Angela's creative approach is simple, but very in-depth, she sees what others don't and then captures it with original, authentic artistic photography techniques.
Cameron was also honoured to have Linear Landscape be chosen for the prestigious PPOC Loan Collection of which only a few works are selected by the judges in this yearly competition.

Tidal Shore / Angela Cameron
Just a simple wave coming ashore after the sun has gone! This stunning fine art photograph explores how impactful simple art can be. There is no computer alteration at all.
Award Winning Photography is creative and unique and continues to inspire Angela Cameron to enter photography competitions to challenge and push her creative approach. Angela is considered an expert in artistic photography that look more like paintings that photographs.
Her creative purpose is to convey a connection of a place and present it with artistic abstraction that connects and resonates. Her goal is for everyone to experience beautiful art that reaches you in a meaningful way.
She has entered many competitions including International Colour Awards and Lens Culture to name a few. Check out her New Work Collection Now!